venerdì 9 ottobre 2009

Hospital Brotzu. Operation Transparency

Data on land where the hospital is built Brotzu.

The figures are administrative transparency.

54,655 square meters land expropriated

NB (land occupied without completion of the formal procedure of expropriation)

Lots paid for 22,574 square feet Lira 2,591,338,871, years 1999 / 2000 / and 2001.

Euro 148.851,44, anno 2006. Euro 148,851.44, the year 2006.

There are 32.081 square feet still not paid their rightful owners.

sabato 11 luglio 2009

ASL 8 Cagliari, Cagliari Brotzu Hospital.

Court in Cagliari, the hearing of 26 June 2002 the Judge shall refer the case
9 April 2003 for final discussion of the case.
Our lawyer Joseph Macciotta convene a meeting in his office
all owners who defends him in the dispute against ASL 8th
The meeting made the owners hope the lawyer Giuseppe Macciotta
Spoke in a very optimistic about the development of the case.
He told us that the percentage of winning the case were very high.
(We said, "I do not want to deceive anyone, I am very optimistic.)

mercoledì 18 marzo 2009

ASL 8 Cagliari, Cagliari Brotzu Hospital.

We arrive in December 2000, the court has reserved the admission
of technical advice to ascertain the value of the land.

(During the same period, the other owners paid ASL8 previous
were paid in 1999.Dr. Igino Melons for signature
payments in 1999, also signed in 1999 also appointed lawyer
Francesco Frongia to resist in court against the payment of land)

These are the eccentricities of Italy, first signing the payment of land
the other signature to go to court.