domenica 24 agosto 2014

Judgment (ridiculous) of First Instance.

All documents filed in before the first-instance judgment, have been seen? read? assessed?
By the Judge? (Dr. Maria Teresa Spanu)

lunedì 24 febbraio 2014

Between hearing and the other ...

Hearing of 7/7/2005: Creation of a new defender.

Hearing on 20/10/2005: Clarification of the Opinion.

Hearing on 6/13/2006: The Judge holds decision in the case, with time, to claim and objections.

Between hearing and the other in April 2006, I am in possession of documents (to win the case) very important.

I go Advocate Gavino Satta.

I - Mr. Satta, are to be deposited in the file.

Lawyer - I can not.

I - why?

Lawyer - the final statements have been filed by the lawyer. Joseph Macciotta, other documents, are accepted only at the discretion of the Judge.

I - You can not do anything?, Try to put them before the judgment, now just missing.

Lawyer - I can not, the Judge, definitely rejects the request.

I - Try it costs nothing.

Lawyer - Do not insist, I repeat, it is useless.

I - I see, I'll go.

NB (From client, I become Attorney)

May 2006: I go to court.

Arrival around 11:30, I search the Judge Dr. Maria Teresa Spanu, I can trace
by another judge, he tells me it has to wait, it is at the hearing.

Around 13:00 (Stationery ground floor) we meet, I explain the importance of the documents, the judge takes vision, I wondered: is she one of the parties?

I - No, my mother.

He thinks for a while, then I said, okay, I need a self motivated her in stamp duty.

I - okay, I'm going to the bar Matta, purchase the stamp, I go back to court.

Judge, wait in the hallway, next to the Court, speaking on the phone,
as soon as he sees me, greets the caller, hang up the call, approaches, and says to me: I'm sorry, I can not insert new documents in the file.

I - How? Dr. makes me buy the stamp, before he says yes, then changes his mind.

G. - I'm sorry.

I - Good day, Judge.

G - Good day to you too.

NB After four years, I find that those documents were already in the file.

All documents filed in before the first-instance judgment, have been seen? read? assessed?